

B2B Communication, Events management

Raise awareness about Kaufland’s fruits and vegetables


Kaufland is the biggest retailer in Bulgaria and the one that offers the largest assortment of fruits and vegetables on the market

The company works constantly to attract customers interest to the fresh fruits and vegetables offered in its stores and raise awareness about them


  • Raise awareness about Kaufland’s policies and measures to offer in its stores fresh and quality fruits and vegetables


  • Earn media content to tell about policies and measures of Kaufland for providing fresh and quality fruits and vegetables
  • Create an opportunity for the journalists to witness the whole process of production, storage and delivery of fruits and vegetables
  • Positioning with influencer and KOFs


  • Media tour for journalists from consumer and economic media to introduce them to a local producer who’s business has grown thanks to the partnership with Kaufland
  • Visit of journalists to Kaufland store facility to show them storage processes
  • Press release with facts about ‘Fruits and Vegetables” section in Kaufland’s stores
  • Info sheet
  • Q&As
  • Influencer activation – the athlete and blogger Karin Okolie was inspired to prepare and share in her blog and Instagram account delicious and healthy recipes with Kaufland’s fruits and vegetables
  • Positioning of fresh fruits in branded cases at urban events with participation of KOFs – Creative Mornings Sofia and wine tasting dinner, organized by the culinary magazine Bacchus, and at public event Red Bull Soapbox Race Sofia


  • 111 publications (incl. 4 print materials in national daily newspapers and 5 TV reportages)
  • Reach – 2,053,810
  • AVE – 48,795 Euro
  • 91% presence of the key messages in publications
  • 10 key journalists from T1 consumer and economic media outlets took part media tour
  • +5K reach of Karin Okolie publications in her blog and in Instagram account
  • +35 KOFs attended urban events