The Modern Two

There was a lack of thorough, extensive and accessible insights into the behaviour of contemporary Bulgarian couples up to 35 years of age, with and without children, as well as into the factors and elements, which have a key role in their decision to make a purchase.


With the help of Noema marketing research agency we realised our idea of the Modern Two project. The survey includes the attitudes, behaviour and relationships of the contemporary Bulgarian couple up to 35 years of age, as these are the people who will form the core of local consumption over the next couple of years. The survey data gives a clear idea of the authentic information sources for the modern two, of how they prepare family budgets, what saving skills they have, how they distribute family roles, how they take a decision to make a purchase, how they communicate with brands and other everyday issues – insights of key significance for communication specialists lacking before in the public space with free access.


Gathering that information gave us valuable knowledge of the market, which we provided as added value to our clients as well as to PR and Marketing managers of leading international and local companies.




“The Modern Two” is realized through a quantity research with direct personal interview at respondents’ homes. Participants were 666 people over the age of 18 nationwide, who declared to have a stable partner at the time of the survey regardless of whether they live together in a shared home or not. Only one of the partners in a couple participated.


Due to its extensive and detailed nature, the agency split the gathered information into four parts – Sources of information, Finance, Family and Career, and Values and Attitude.


We adapted the gathered information to the different audiences and prepared presentations, press releases, infographics and media lists according to every part to make it accessible and comprehensible to professionals who need it.


For direct mailing purposes we also prepared a list of more than 250 marketing and PR managers of companies from different business sectors and more than 50 academia and NGO representatives.



  • The project made us the first Bulgarian PR agency to realize such an extensive and accessible marketing research, and our own campaign to popularize the project achieved excellent results:
  • Wide media coverage in more than 220 publications – 6 TV broadcasts and 1 live interview on a morning show, lead in 1 radio program, 24 print publications and 188 online articles;
  • 16 additional comment enquiries by media and bloggers over the course of the communication campaign;
  • Direct mailing to more than 250 marketing and PR managers of companies in the fields of finance, fast-moving consumer goods, automobiles, energy, real estate, commerce, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, tourism, audit, logistics, transport, etc.
  • The average organic reach of every part of the Modern Two survey is 350 people on Facebook without any budget. By the end of the campaign the number of reached consumers on social media is more than 2500.

The agency uses the survey and the gathered data in preparing strategies and proposals for many of its clients.

